Distance maps for driving
Distance maps for driving

distance maps for driving

Next the Formula checks of the travel distance to see if the student has to drive more than 70 miles.The response is then stored in 2 variables TravelDistance & TravelDuration.Next it passes the Student Address, the College Address, the desired Distance Unit** and the Bing Maps API Key to the Bing Maps REST web service.The Formula first creates the Student Address by combing the Address 1 fields on the Contact.xCache records are created to store the University Address* and the Bing Maps API Key.The Source Properties are set to the 'address fields'.The triggering event is the 'Create & Update'.A Formula of type 'Save - Perform Action' is created on the Contact entity.The North52 Decision Suite solution works like this: The Contact record has the following fields that we want to update. You can sign up for a Bing Maps account and API here. For this sample we are using the Routes API. To achieve this we are going to use the Bing Maps REST API to do the driving distance and travel time calculations and then update the student's contact record with the results. In this scenario the business requirement was to calculate the driving distance and travel time for a student to Oxford University College. If a student's home address is more than 70 miles away then they are to be marked as eligible for Student accommodation.

Distance maps for driving