Instead, it was absorbed into setuptools.
The distribute package that included easy_install is no longer maintained. With pip3, it’s easier to define fixed requirements, so you can reliably produce packages. Packages can be installed flat and don’t need to be installed as egg packages. The error messages speed up the learning process and make it easier to figure out why things might have gone wrong. When you install pip3, you can more easily keep track of why you wanted to install a package in the first place, because PIP keeps track of that information. Because all packages are downloaded before installation, you never run into the problem of installations being only partially completed. Here are some more reasons you should definitely install pip3: Remember: PIP was designed to be a replacement for easy_install and to solve many of the problems it caused. It’s definitely worth your time to install pip3. Why install pip3 instead of using easy_install? Things to bear in mind before you install pip3:. Why install pip3 instead of using easy_install?. PIP is to Python what npm is to JavaScript and gem is to Ruby. The Python standard library already comes chock full of packages and modules to help with your scripts and applications, but because the Python community is super active, people are constantly developing additional packages to make things easier. (A package contains all the files you need for a module, and modules are Python code libraries that you can include in your projects.) PIP is a package manager for Python, which means it allows you to install and manage libraries and dependencies that are supplemental to the standard library. (And yes, PIP is better than easy_install.)
And if you want to get better at Python, you’ll want to install PIP3. Python is a great programming language for beginners, because it’s less intimidating than most of the other languages you’ll eventually have to work your way through. A good programming language is hard to find, but if you’re serious about being a programmer or web developer, and you’ve already got your hands on some great web hosting to store all those websites you’ll end up burning through in your early days, it definitely helps to know more than one language.